School Safety


Attendance is taken twice daily - in the morning between 8:50 a.m. and 8:55 a.m. and after lunch from 1:05 p.m. - 1:10 p.m. If your child is absent or late, please click here to fill out an absence report. If you do not, an automated call and email will be sent to you requesting you to call the school to indicate the whereabouts of your child. Please make sure your demographic information (phone numbers and addresses) are up to date.  


Our JMD Demko Dispatch is posted monthly (last day of each month) on the website to inform families of important events and dates at the school. The agenda for Grades 1-6 also serves as an important communication tool between home and school. You may also follow us on Facebook



and Sign-out Binder

If your children are late or you bring your children in late, it is important that they are signed in at the front office. Do not take them to their entry door.  Likewise, if they are leaving early, it is imperative that you sign them out. If you wish to have them sign out on their own for lunch or for an appointment, a parent note must be sent in to the office.

School Entry Overview

  • We ask that all parents during instructional time wait in the office for their children to be called down to the office. This limits interruptions to instructional time and parents having to look for their child.
  • We ask that late students go to class without their parents. If they are young, a staff member will walk them to their class - this does not interrupt routines during instructional time.
  • We ask that volunteers sign in and we will show you to the class, or if you are a regular volunteer, you may proceed to class. 
  • If you are coming to have lunch with your child, we ask that you wait in the front foyer or office until lunch time and have lunch with them in the front foyer and not in their classroom.
  • If it is hot lunch, we ask that volunteers deliver as close to the lunch eating bell as possible so we are not interrupting instructional time.
  • Students can sign themselves in, but parents must sign them out.
  • We are happy to help you connect with your child’s teacher before school (before the bell at 8:45), during recess (10:45 - 11:05), during lunch hour (12:19 - 1:07) or after school (after 3:20). Please stop at the office and we will bring your child’s teacher to you if they are available.
  • Please do not drive into the staff parking lot for drop off between 8:35 and 8:50am and 3:20-3:45pm as students are entering and leaving the building. 
  • Overall, these routines and expectations are in place to enhance safety, protect instructional time and limit class interruptions.


Student supervision occurs in the morning from 8:35 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. At first recess (10:44 a.m. -11:05 a.m.)  and lunch recess (12:40 p.m. -1:05 p.m.) and after school from 3:20 p.m. until 3:40 p.m. There is also supervision while the students eat lunch from 12:19 p.m. - 12:40 p.m. Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 classes also have Grade 6 supervisors who help students with lunch routines. Supervisors wear orange vests and consist of teachers, educational assistants, daycare workers and hired lunch supervisors. Students are encouraged to seek them out if there are any needs during lunch eating time and during recesses. 


Bus supervision in front of the school with three to four supervisors greeting the buses and ensuring students are getting to their classes. The Kindergarten students line up and are escorted to class by Grade 6 students and an educational assistant. At the end of the day, students line up behind their bus numbers and are escorted to get on the bus by staff. Bus lists and connecting with the drivers help us ensure students are safe. On inclement weather days, students will line up inside to catch the bus and on arrival, go directly to their doors to be let in. 

Volunteer Sign-in

Parent and family volunteers need to sign in in the volunteer binder in the office. Using a lanyard that says “volunteer” is also a way that you are identified as a volunteer; please sign out as well as we need to know that you have left the building. The binder helps us keep track of who is in the building in case a safety protocol needs to occur. All visitors need to check into the front office. 

Fire Drill

We have six fire drills a year, one where the fire department is present. We meet at the back of the school south of the tarmac. Attendance is taken and the alarm signals the drill and “All Clear” indicates the fire drill is over. 

Safety Patrols - Crosswalks

Our safety patrollers will be at two crosswalks. Please follow their guide and do not cross the street unless they have indicated to proceed. The crosswalks are clearly marked and parking near them obstructs the view of cars, so please do not park near these crosswalk zones. 


All the doors are locked during the day except the front door and which is open at both recesses only, so students can use the washroom or receive minor first aid attention. A supervisor is present at that time. If you are late or picking up your child early, please use the front door and stop at the office where we will call your child to come down and meet you. 

Inclement Weather

Students are let in their boot rooms on these days to ensure they are safe in the morning and after school. If inclement weather hinders play outside, students come directly in the morning and inside recesses occur. Students are encouraged to always dress for the weather and be prepared to go outside.

Nut Free School

Signage is present and parents are informed about our Nut Free policy. Students should not bring nut items to school. If you are bringing treats for the class or a birthday, please ensure they are nut free. Grandin Bakery is a nut free bakery in town. 

Medical Awareness

All students who have serious medical needs are identified by their parents and a medical profile is shared. Student medical profiles are in a booklet and the booklet is circulated so that staff can recognize them and are aware of their needs. If your child has specific medical needs please contact the office.

Closed Campus

Grade 1 - 6: students will not be allowed to leave for lunch unless they have a note indicating they can go home for lunch. 

Grade 7-9: students are given the priviledge of being allowed to leave school property for lunch with the expectation that they return on time for afternoon classes. After three instances of failing to return on time, the student will lose off campus priviledges for a set period of time.

Playground Safety

Ample supervision is provided to students when they are on the playground before and after school and during recess times. Supervisors wear orange vests and are designated to certain areas. Students learn about safety on the playground and where their grade level can play as this is shared by their teachers and with the administration visiting classrooms in the first few weeks of school. As well, the playground equipment is checked monthly and the field is monitored for any abnormal activity.  

Hour Zero Protocols

Lockdown, Shelter in Place and Hold and Secure - please refer to the division website for more information.