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Joseph M. Demko School
About Our School
We want every student to have the confidence and motivation to be the best they can be. Through our mission and vision, focusing on our core values, and believing each child can make a difference, we are confident students will become successful citizens.
Kindergarten - Grade 9
Kindergarten - Grade 9
We have a state-of-the-art career and technology area, foods and science labs, two gymnasiums, library and learning common areas, fine arts spaces and new playground spaces. With our airy and light-filled space, we are energy efficient and a silver standard LEED school.
Attendance Areas
Attendance Areas
Our English program serves the areas of Jensen Lakes and Erin Ridge North (north of Neil Ross Road). Our junior high also serves Riverside (west of Hogan Road). The Logos Christian program serves students from across St. Albert.

Logos Program
Logos Program
The Logos Christian Program offers a Bible-based, Christian context to the Alberta curriculum. A Christian viewpoint to issues and topics from all curriculum areas is provided and links are made between the concepts being taught and the Bible teachings on that concept.
Administration Team
Administration Team
Principal: Sue Anderson, Assistant Principals: Kathy Santrock, Wendy Schaar-Ney

Land Acknowledgement
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge Treaty 6 territory and the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. We acknowledge the mistakes of the past and are dedicated to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.